Make healthier everyday choices

Small changes to your daily routine stack up over time.

We are developing an experimental wearable to track personal exposure to air pollution and help users make conscious decisions to reduce exposure - in their home and out and about. Please get in touch with us today to learn more.



Plan smart routes to avoid pollution exposure

Plug into our hyperlocal pollution network and maximise your respiratory health during non-essential journeys. This feature is available in our iOS and Android partner apps.

Monitor and analyse your respiratory history

Our partner apps let you crunch the numbers on your own exposure to different pollutants. Interactively exploure your actionable insights and learn about the effects of different pollutants.

A wearable device which adapts to you

Take airband on your wrist with our stylish and comfortable silicone wristband, or strap it to your handlebars with our velcro strap. A wide variety of colours and styles let you monitor your health without compromising your outfit

Make a statement and collect your own data

Don't rely on local government to make change. Air pollution is forgotten because it's invisible. We're all about lobbying effectively for data-based solutions which have a measurable impact. You can be part of the solution with an airband wearable.

All your questions in one place

Learn more about the air pollution crisis, the impact and provenance of each pollutant, and what we can do to help.


See how data makes us tick

We're making air quality monitoring crowdsourced. Our real-time data analytics are designed to align businesses, governments and individuals with real-time, granular air quality data to help inform solutions to the air pollution crisis.


We're inspiring the pollution
data revolution